Title: Streamline-Based EOR Simulations
Presenter: Dacun Li(黎巴嫩圣母大学)
地点:工科楼 E1903
Secondary oil recovery led by water flood accounts for one half of the oil recovered in the United States. Furthermore, streamline simulation is becoming more and more popular these days due to its higher speed compared with finite-difference method. In this paper, a streamline simulator is developed for water flood and gas injection. Oil recovery and water cut from the streamline simulator are compared with their counterparts from a finite-difference simulator. In addition, a practical method to implement an extremely large time step in streamline simulation is introduced. Results show that numerical dispersions decrease from finite difference method, to numerical streamline method, and to analytical streamline method. For numerical method, numerical dispersions decrease with increased time step size. By using the new practical method, the streamline simulation can be greatly sped up.
李大村博士, 1985年福建省漳平市高考理科状元。2010年10月,被选入2011年版的《美国名人录》(Who’s Who in America 2011),2017年6月荣获阿尔伯特·尼尔森·马奎斯终身成就奖。现任黎巴嫩圣母大学石油工程助理教授、中国侨联新侨创新创业联盟海外委员、国际石油工程师学会编辑委员会委员、福建省新侨人才联谊会海外理事。曾任国际石油界的权威杂志之一《石油科学与工程杂志》副主编、美国德州中国和平统一促进会副会长。