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作者: 发布者:赵小明 发布时间:2024-07-01 访问次数:8792









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  • 研究方向
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  • 学术兼职
    2015年 爱思唯尔(Elsevier)(世界上最大科学文献出版社之一) 认可审稿人(certificate of reviewing)
    2015-2018年 山东省油田化学重点实验室骨干
    2018年 “海域天然气水合物工程重点实验室”下属的“海域天然气水合物工程基础理论研究室”骨干
  • 指导研究生
    2021级:霍美桦;ADNAN AHMED
    2023级:张煜炜;丁福泉;林文翔;WAHEED ABDUL
  • 承担科研课题
    [1] 国家973子课题(国家科技部), 深水浅层固井水泥环封隔完整性失效机理与控制, 2015CB251202,2015.01-2019.12, 199.5万,第二负责人.
    [2] 国家青年基金(国家基金委), 水合物层固井水泥热能存储剂载体研制及承载机理研究, 51804332, 2019.01-2021.12, 25万, 第一负责人.
    [3] 山东省自然科学基金(联合专项)(山东省基金委), 吸水树脂的载体封装及释放封堵地热井固井水泥裂缝机理, ZR2017LEE005, 2017.08-2019.12, 5万, 第一负责人.
    [4] 中国博士后科学基金(面上)(国家博士后基金委), 地聚合物激活剂缓释方法及控制机理, 2016M602223, 2016.11.10-2018.11.10,5万, 第一负责人.
    [5] 山东省博士后创新基金(山东省博士后基金委), 多孔载体释放吸水树脂封堵地热井固井水泥环微裂缝研究, 201702025, 2017.7-2018, 12,5万, 第一负责人.
    [6] 青岛市博士后资助项目, 多孔球形载体缓释或封装油气井固井浆体外加剂技术, 2016219, 2016.10.01-2018.10.01, 5万, 第一负责人.
    [7] 自主创新科研计划项目(理工科), 多孔微球载体封装缓释水泥速凝剂方法研究, 18CX02161A, 2018.01.01-2020.12.31, 10万, 第一负责人.
    [8] 学校项目(人才引进), 多孔球形载体缓释或封装油井水泥外加剂技术, YJ201601087, 2017.01.01-2019.12.31, 3万, 第一负责人.
    [9] 中国石油天然气集团有限公司,科技基础条件平台建设项目,2018D500630,弱胶结水合物层固化改造模拟系统,2018-05至2021-12,221万元,在研,参加.
    [10] 中国石油科技计划项目, 抗高温水泥浆体系优化及其配套工艺技术研究,2018.08.09-2019.12.31,127.2万,第二负责人
    [11] 中国石油天然气集团有限公司,重大科技项目专题,ZD2019-184-003,天然气水合物试采井筒安全构建理论与控制技术,2019-01至2023-12,50万元,在研,参加
    [12] 中海油湛江分公司,陵水17-2气田水泥浆体系评估与固井方案研究,2017-2018,74万元
    [13] 中海油湛江分公司,永乐区块超深水固井水泥浆体系选择及配套工艺技术研究,2019-2021, 240.3万元.
    [14] 国家面上基金(国家基金委), 深水油气井固井水泥传质传热过程中浅层水合物稳定机理, 51974355, 2020.01-2024.12, 71.3万, 第二负责人.
    [15] 胜利固井中心,触变水泥浆体系性能及其抗注水扰动能力测试分析,2020-10-27,12万
    [16] 中石化西北局,顺北气区触变性水泥浆体系评价研究,2021-10-28,35.12万
    [17] 胜利采油厂,套管外二次固井水泥浆体系评价测试与优化研究,2019-08-01,14.57万
    [18] 中原固井公司,裂缝型可固化桥浆堵漏触变水泥浆体系性能测试与评价,2022-3-5,9.6万
    [19] 大庆石油化工院,超高温(240℃)缓凝剂新材料研究,2022-5-17,15万
    [20] 西部钻探,基于低粘触变剂和油水置换剂的水泥浆堵漏技术研究,2022-6-7,74.16万
  • 获奖情况
    2024年 中原百亿方储气库盐盖层固井技术及评价方法;青岛市科学技术进步奖二等奖,排名第二。
    2024年 老油区复杂地质条件建井及井筒长寿命关键技术及应用;产学研合作创新成果二等奖,排名第二。
    2023年 深水油气井浅部地层长效稳定固井理论与关键技术;中国海洋工程科学技术奖二等奖,排名第一。
    2023年 提高东部老油区井筒密封质量关键技术及应用;中国商业联合会科技创新奖一等奖,排名第一。
    2020年 《油井水泥石微裂缝自愈合理论研究》中国石油和化学工业优秀出版物奖图书奖一等奖,排名第二。
    2019年 深水弱胶结地层固井梯度强化理论与调控方法 山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果二等奖,排名第二。
    2016年 中国石油大学(华东),固井水泥石微裂缝遇水自封堵技术,优秀博士论文
    2015年 山东省教育厅,固井水泥石微裂缝遇水自封堵技术,山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果三等奖
  • 荣誉称号
    2015年 中国石油大学(华东) 学术十杰提名奖
  • 著作
    [1] 步玉环,柳华杰,郭胜来,王春雨. 油井水泥石微裂缝自愈合理论研究. 中国石油大学出版社,山东,青岛.2019.12
    [2] 步玉环,柳华杰,郭胜来,郭辛阳. 钻完井工程,石油百科(开发).石油工业出版社,北京,2022.8
  • 论文
    [1] 步玉环,柳华杰,宋文宇. 晶格膨胀剂对水泥-套管界面胶结强度性能的影响实验[J].石油学报. 2011;32(6):1067-1071. EI.
    [2] 柳华杰,步玉环,王春雨. 双分散反相悬浮聚合制备吸水微球方法及装置 Preparation of water-absorbing microspheres by double dispersion inverse suspension polymerization and self-designed equipment [J]. 化工学报. 2013; 64(9):3460-3466. EI.
    [3] 柳华杰,步玉环,郭胜来,等. 气孔对发气膨胀固井水泥石强度影响 Effects of gas pores on strength of oil well cement using gas swelling agents [J].中国石油大学学报.2014, 38(2):75-81. EI.
    [4] Huajie Liu, Yuhuan Bu, Shenglai Guo. Improvement of aluminium powder application measure based on influence of gas hole on strength properties of oil well cement [J]. Construct. Build. Mater. 2013; 47:480-88. 2013.10.(SCI 二区,IF: 2.265) .
    [5] Huajie LIU,Yuhuan BU,Jay SANJAYAN,Zhonghou SHEN. Effects of chitosan treatment on strength and thickening properties of oil well cement [J]. Construct. Build. Mater. 2015;75:404-14. 2015.01.30 (SCI 二区,IF: 2.421).
    [6] Yuhuan Bu, Huajie Liu, Ali Nazari, Yingjun He, Wenyu Song. Amphoteric ion polymer as fluid loss additive for phosphoaluminate cement in the presence of sodium hexametaphosphate [J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016 (31): 474–480. 2016.04.01(SCI 三区 IF:2.718).
    [7] Huajie LIU, Yuhuan BU, Jay G. SANJAYAN, Ali NAZARI, Zhonghou SHEN. The application of coated superabsorbent polymer in well cement for plugging the microcrack [J]. Construct. Build. Mater. 2016; 104: 72-84. 2016.02.01 (SCI 二区,IF: 3.169).
    [8] Huajie LIU, Yuhuan BU, Ali NAZARI, Jay G. SANJAYAN, Zhonghou SHEN. Low elastic modulus and expansive well cement system: The application of gypsum microsphere [J]. Construct. Build. Mater. 2016; 106: 27-34.2016.03.01 (SCI 二区,IF: 3.169).
    [9] Huajie LIU, Yuhuan BU, Ali NAZARI, Jay G. SANJAYAN, Zhonghou SHEN. Suitability of polyacrylamide superabsorbent polymers as the internal curing agent of well cement [J]. Construct. Build. Mater. 2016, 112: 253-260. 2016.06.01 (SCI 二区,IF: 3.169).
    [10] Huajie LIU, Yuhuan BU, Ali NAZARI, Jay G. SANJAYAN, Zhonghou SHEN. The application of natural sedimentation for the dispersion of polyacrylamide microspheres [J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2017, 38(1):75-81. 2017.01(SCI 四区 IF:1.454).
    [11] Guo S, Huajie LIU , Shan Y, et al. The application of a combination of treated AMPS/IA copolymer and borax as the retarder of calcium aluminate phosphate cement [J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2017, 142:51-58. 2017.07.01(SCI 二区 TOP,IF: 3.485) 通讯作者.
    [12] Huajie LIU, Bu Y, Guo Q, et al. Converting hydration heat to achieve cement mixture with early strength and low hydrating-thermal dissipation[J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2017, 151:113-118.2017.10.01(SCI 二区 TOP, IF: 3.485) WOS:000408183700012.
    [13] Huajie LIU,Jay SANJAYAN, Yuhuan BU. The application of sodium hydroxide and anhydrous borax as composite activator of class F fly ash for extending setting time [J]. Fuel. 2017; 206: 534-540.2017.10.15(SCI 二区 TOP,IF: 4.908) WOS:000405805800053.
    [14] Huajie LIU, Yuhuan BU, Rui Ma, Wenmeng Guo. Improve the practicability of calcium aluminate phosphate cement as well cement: The application of amphoteric ion polymer as retarder [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 199:207-213.2019.02.28(SCI 二区 TOP,IF: 4.046)
    [15] Bailing Zhang, Jin Yang, Huajie Liu, Ting Sun, Shujie Liu. Influence of components properties on sealing ability of cementing isolation system in deep-water shallow formation [J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2019, 204:50-57.2019.04.20 (SCI 二区 TOP,IF: 4.046) 通讯作者.
    [16] Yuhuan Bu, Rui Ma, Jiapei Du, Shenglai Guo, Huajie Liu, Letian Zhao. Utilization of metakaolin-based geopolymer as a mud-cake solidification agent to enhance the bonding strength of oil well cement–formation interface [J]. Royal Society Open Science, 2020, 7(2): 191230. (SCI三区)第二通讯作者.
    [17] Yuhuan Bu, Jiapei Du b, Shenglai Guo, Huajie Liu, Yan Liang, Zhenguo Su, Yanwei Li. Effects of formation water influx on the bonding strength between oil well cement and the formation [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 251, 118989. (SCI 二区 TOP,IF: 6.141) 第二通讯作者.
    [18] 柳华杰,步玉环,梁岩,郭胜来,王岩. 环空扰动固井二界面胶结性能评价装置及方法[J]. 实验室研究与探索, 2020, 39(7): 78-83.
    [19] Huajie Liu, Yuhuan Bu, Rui Ma, Longlong An. High-strength metakaolin-based hollow-core microspheres as an internal curing agent for mitigation of autogenous shrinkage of well cement[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 272, 121970. (SCI 一区,IF: 7.693).
    [20] Yuhuan Bu, Rui Ma, Huajie Liu, Chuanhua Ma, Xuezhan Zhao. Low hydration exothermic well cement system:The application of energy storage microspheres prepared by high-strength hollow microspheres carrying phase change materials [J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2021, 117, 103907. (SCI 一区 TOP,IF: 9.93). 通讯作者.
    [21] Chang Lu, Huajie Liu, Shenglai Guo, Xinyang Guo, Rui Zhang, Xianhai Hou. Modeling the Penetration Distance of Power-Law Cementing Fluid Transportin Deep-Water Weakly Consolidated Formation [J]. Fractals, 2021. (SCI 一区 TOP,IF: 4.536). 第二通讯作者.
    [22] Huajie Liu, Yuhuan Bu, Jiapei Du, Rui Ma, Longlong An, Rui Zhang. Preparation of hollow ceramic microspheres utilized as a carrier for additive delivery in cement [J]. Materials Letters, 2021, 300, 130157 (SCI 三区,IF: 3.574).
    [23] He Xuanpeng, Tian hui, Wang Xuelong, Tan Dabing, Wang Yarong, Cheng Tianhui, Liu Huajie. Influence of formation water ion composition on cement slurry performance and countermeasures: Case study [J]. South African Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021, 38:54-60. (通讯作者).
    [24] Huajie Liu, Yuhuan Bu, Annan Zhou, Jiapei Du, Linwei Zhou, Xueyu Pang. Silica sand enhanced cement mortar for cementing steam injection well up to 380 ℃ [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 308, 125142 (SCI 一区,IF: 7.693).
    [25] Yuhuan Bu, Mengran Xu, Huajie Liu, Annan Zhou, Jiapei Du, Xin Yang, Shenglai Guo. A novel hydrophobically associating water-soluble polymer used as constant rheology agent for cement slurry [J]. Royal Society Open Science, 2022, 9: 211170. (SCI三区). 第一通讯作者
    [26] Yuhuan Bu, Shengda Shen, Zhongguang Liu, Huajie Liu, Shenglai Guo, Xueyu Pang. Establishment and Application of T-H-M Coupling Model of Casing-Cement Ring-Formation in Thermal Recovery Wells [J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2022. 通讯作者
    [27] Yuhuan Bu, Mengran Xu, Huajie Liu, Shenglai Guo, Xiaolong Ma, Ruochen Zheng. Mechanism of Cement Stone Porosity and Permeability Structures for Downhole Fluid Packing [J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2022. (SCI四区,影响影子2.9)通讯作者
    [28] Bu, Yuhuan, Yang, Heng, Zhao, Lingyun, Guo, Shenglai, Liu Huajie, Ma, Xiaolong. Stress concentration of perforated cement sheath and the effect of cement sheath elastic parameters on its integrity failure during shale gas fracturing[J]. frontiers in materials. 2022, 980920.SCI三区,通讯作者 3.985
    [29] Leiju Tian,Yuhuan Bu∗ Huajie Liu∗ Chang Lu, Shenglai Guo, Hongzhi Xu, Yongqiang Ren. Effects of the mechanical properties of a cement sheath and formation on the sealing integrity of the cement-formation interface in shallow water flow in deep water[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 369, 130496 (SCI 一区 TOP,IF:7.4).第二通讯.
    [30] Hongxu Zhang, Huajie Liu a*, Ruochen Zheng , Yuhuan Bu , Shenglai Guo , Chang Lu , Yongqiang Ren, Jianhua Sun. Application of ABAQUS Flow-Solid coupling model to evaluate sealing capability of sandstone formation interface based on the cracking behavior of cohesive force units[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 409, 133863,(SCI 一区 TOP,IF:7.4).通讯作者.
    [31] Meihua Huo, Huajie Liu*, Yuhuan Bu, Rui Ma, Hongzhi Xu, Jiapei Du, Xueyu Pang, Annan Zhou, Chuanhua Ma. Effect of main functional groups of cement slurry additives on the stability of methane hydrate: Experiment and molecular dynamics simulation[J]. Geoenergy Science and Engineering,2023,228,212024.
  • 专利
    [1] 石膏微球及低弹性模量膨胀固井水泥体系, 国家发明,专利号:ZL201510169604.3第一发明人. 授权. 2017.12.08.
    [2] 一种亲水性包裹的吸水树脂微球及其制备方法, 国家发明,专利号:ZL201310326539.1第一发明人.授权. 2014.11.12.
    [3] 一种双分散反相悬浮聚合制备微球的方法及装置, 国家发明,专利号:ZL201310073224.0第一发明人.授权. 2015.02.25.
    [4] 一种预螯合壳聚糖固井水泥浆缓凝剂及其制备方法,国家发明,专利号:ZL201210526539.1第一发明人.授权.2015.10.14.
    [5] 一种适用于油井水泥浆的耐碱吸水树脂的制备方法,国家发明,专利号:ZL201210526520.7第一发明人.授权. 2015.05.20.
    [6] 一种预螯合铝离子的AMPS共聚物与硼酸盐复配的改性铝酸盐水泥缓凝剂及其制备方法,国家发明,专利号: ZL201610945564.1第一发明人.授权. 2018.09.21.
    [7] 亲水性石蜡微胶囊及早强低水化放热水泥体系,国家发明,专利号: ZL201610242980.5第一发明人.授权. 2019.02.15.
    [8] 一种相变储能微球及其制备方法, 国家发明,专利号:ZL201710952207.2第一发明人.授权. 2019. 07.12.
    [9] High-strength geopolymer hollow microsphere, preparation method and phase-change energy storage microsphere. US 2020/0002210A1.第一发明人.授权.2020.1.2 .
    [10] 一种油井水泥浆宽温带恒流变调节剂及制备方法和应用, 国家发明,专利号:ZL 201910537433.3 , 第一发明人.授权. 2021.04.23.
    [11] 一种弱胶结水合物层固化改造模拟实验系统及方法,国家发明,专利号:202111558924X,第一发明人.授权. 2022.03.01.
    [12] 一种水泥补水防缩剂及其制备方法和应用,国家发明,专利号:ZL 202010730542.X,第一发明人.授权. 2022.03.25.
    [13] 水凝胶、水泥浆及固井水泥固化有害金属离子的方法,国家发明,专利号:ZL202010729731.5,第一发明人.授权.2022.07.22.
    [14] 一种水合物反应釜实验系统及应用,国家发明,专利号:ZL 202210584183.0,第一发明人.授权.2022.05.27.
    [15] Cement performances evaluation device and cement design method for cementing in penetrated hydrate deposit , US11567018B2.第一发明人.授权.2023.1.31.
    [16] 缓释型瓜胶压裂液破胶剂及其制备方法,国家发明,专利号: ZL20221 1546483.6, 第一发明人.授权.2022.12.05.
    [17] 一种固井界面密封性能评价方法.,国家发明,专利号:ZL 202310327894.4,第一发明人.授权. 2023.03.30.
  • 学术交流
    [1] Yuhuan Bu, Huajie Liu, Xinyang Guo. CO2驱油及地质埋存井固井水泥碳化腐蚀 [R]. The second China energy scientist forum. Xuzhou, China. 2010.10. (ISTP)
    [2] Yuhuan Bu, Huajie Liu, Wenyu Song. Experimental study of effects of crystal expansive additives on interfacial bonding quality of cement and casing[R]. 2010 SREE conference on resources and engineering, CRE 2010. Hong Kong. 2010.12. (ISTP/EI)
    [3] Yuhuan BU, Huajie LIU. Self-Plugging Technology of Microcrack With Water in Cement Sheath[R]. OTC-26367-MS, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22–25 March 2016. EI
    [4] Huajie LIU, Yuhuan BU, Leiju TIAN, Chang LU. Suitability of amphoteric ion polymer as retarder for calcium aluminate phosphate cement[R]. ISOPE-2018-TPC-0129, Japanese, Sapporo. The 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 10−15, 2018. EI
    [5] 柳华杰, 步玉环, 王春雨. 新型固井水泥环微裂缝自修复剂研究 [C]. 2018年固井学组会议, 重庆, 2018.9.18-21.
    [6] 柳华杰, 步玉环. 基于XFEM的深水浅层固井水泥环结构完整性 [C]. 2020年固井学组会议, 西安, 2020. 11. 5-6.
    [7] 步玉环, 柳华杰, 郭胜来, 郭辛阳, 于利国, 田磊聚. 一种固井水泥环力学密封完整性评价理论方法 [C]. 2020年固井学组会议, 西安, 2020. 11. 5-6.
    [8] Huajie Liu, Meihua Huo, Yuhuan BU, Rui Ma. The Design of Well Cement Slurry with Low Hydration Exothermic for Cementing Natural Gas Hydrate Reservoir under Deep Water[C]// ISOPE-2022 Shanghai Proceedings of the Thirty-second (2022) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference . 2022.
    [9] Jiansheng Zhao, Hui Yin*, Xiaolong Ma, Huajie Liu, Shenglai Guo, Yuhuan Bu. Study on High Strength Elastic Cement Slurry System[C]// Proceedings of the Thirty-third (2023) International Ocean and Polar Engineering ConferenceOttawa, Canada, June 19-23, 2023.
    [10] Xiaolong Ma, Huajie Liu, Meihua Huo, Heng Yang, Yuhuan Bu, Shenglai Guo, Hui Yin, Jiansheng Zhao. Cementing Technology of Salt Layer in Wen23 Gas Storage. IPTC-22887-MS.
  • 个人风采
