当前位置: 油气井工程研究所
作者: 发布者:赵小明 发布时间:2023-07-11 访问次数:19202









  • 个人主页
  • 学习与工作经历
    2001,09-2005.06,中国海洋大学, 土木工程 学士
    2005.08-2007.05,美国维拉诺瓦大学,土木工程 硕士
    2007.09-2011.10,美国哥伦比亚大学,土木工程 博士
    2011.11-2017.06,美国哈里伯顿公司, 高级研发工程师
    2017.06-2018.04,美国哈里伯顿公司, 主任研发工程师
    2018.05--至今, 中国石油大学(华东) ,石油工程学院 教授
    2021.10--至今, 中国石油大学(华东),油气井工程研究所所长
  • 研究方向
    01 油气井工程理论与技术
    04 油气田化学与提高采收率技术
    07 非常规地质能源开发工程理论与技术

    (1) 水泥水化动力学及反应机制研究
    (2) 超深特深井固井水泥高温强度衰退机理及调控方法
    (3) 固井水泥添加剂作用机理及配方优化设计
    (4) 水泥基材料微观结构及材料科学
    (5) 水泥基材料多尺度力学模拟与优化设计
    (6) 水泥环井筒完整性及全生命周期评价

  • 招生方向
  • 主讲课程
  • 学术兼职
    2022年担任Frontiers in Materials和Energies 专题编辑
    近年来担任Cement and Concrete Research,Cement & Concrete Composites,Journal of the American Ceramic Society,Construction and Building Materials,Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 等10余个国际期刊的审稿人
  • 指导研究生
    2022级博士:李扬、徐梦冉、Mohammed Saeed
    2020级博士:程国东、孙访、李海龙、Kenedy Geofrey
    2020级硕士:张震、Michael Baragwiha
  • 承担科研课题
    共主持及参与国内外科研项目 17 项,其中回国以来主持科研项目经费约1000万元。国内主要科研项目如下:
    1. 超深特深层油气钻采流动调控,国家国家自然科学基金基础科学中心项目,子课题负责人,2023.1-2027.12
    2. 220℃超高温水泥浆体系评价及优化研究,深圳格瑞鼎新能源科技服务有限公司,2023.7-2025.1,负责人
    3. 塔里木油田温压交变条件下储气库及高压气井水泥石力学性能影响因素研究,中石油塔里木油田,2022.6-2024.6,负责人
    4. 固井水泥浆水化热试验及套压模拟测试技术,中石油川庆钻探井下作业公司,2021.1-2021.12,负责人
    5. 页岩油原位转化井固井水泥环650℃高温测试,中石油川庆钻探钻采工程技术研究院,2021.1-2021.12,负责人
    6. 油井水泥水化动力学实验研究及数值模拟,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020.1-2023.12,负责人
    7. 极端环境油井水泥材料特性与井筒完整性研究,国家海外引进高层次人才自选课题,2019.3-2021.4,负责人
    8. 高温高压水泥水化硬化机理及性能研究,中国石油大学(华东) 人才引进项目,2018.7-2023.7,负责人
    9. 200℃超高温水泥石长期强度稳定研究与应用,中石油塔里木油田,2019.2-2021.1,负责人
    10. 深水油气井固井水泥传质传热过程中浅层水合物稳定机理,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020.1-2023.12,参与
    11. 抗高温水泥浆体系优化及其配套工艺技术研究,中国石油科技计划项目,2018.8-2019.12,参与
  • 获奖情况
    2015年 2nd Place, Emerging Engineers Conference Technical Poster Contest, SPE Gulf Coast Section Young Professionals
    2018年 石油工程学院年度杰出贡献奖
  • 荣誉称号
    2023年 中国石油大学(华东)“光华学者”特聘教授
    2018年 国家海外引进青年特聘专家
    2018年 青岛市西海岸新区第三批顶尖人才
  • 著作
  • 论文
    1. F. Sun, X. Pang*, J. Wei, J. Zeng, J. Niu, Synthesis of alite, belite and ferrite in both monophase and polyphase states and their hydration behavior, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 25: 3901-3916, 2023. (SCI一区Top, IF=6.267)
    2. L. Sun, X. Pang*, H. Liu, C. Wang, J. Yu, P. Zhao, Experimental study of pure Class G cement hydration up to 150 ºC and 50 MPa, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 25: 1463-1482, 2023. (SCI一区Top, IF=6.267)
    3. H. Li, X. Pang*, J. Zhang, X. Shi, Mechanical properties of low-density cement under shale oil in-situ conversion conditions, Construction and Building Materials 393: 1311970, 2023. (SCI一区Top, IF=7.693)
    4. L. Sun, X. Pang*, S. Ghabezloo, H. Wang, J. Sun, Hydration kinetics and strength retrogression mechanism of silica-cement systems in the temperature range of 110 °C–200 °C, Cement and Concrete Research 167: 107120, 2023. (SCI一区Top, IF=11.958)
    5. Z. Zhang, J. Qin, Z. Ma, X. Pang*, Y. Zhou, Comparison of three different deconvolution methods for analyzing nanoindentation test data of hydrated cement paste, Cement and Concrete Composites 138: 104990, 2023. (SCI一区Top, IF=9.93)
    6. J. Qin, X. Pang*, A. Santra, G. Cheng, H. Li, Various admixtures to mitigate the long-term strength retrogression of Portland cement cured under HPHT conditions, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2023 15(1) 191-203. (SCI一区Top, IF=5.915)
    7. X. Pang*, H. Liu, L. Chen, Y. Yuan, X. Liu, X. Pang*, Y. Liu, Isothermal calorimetry study of the effect of citric acid on the hydration kinetics of magnesium oxysulfate cement, Construction and Building Materials 365: 130041, 2023. (SCI一区Top, IF=7.693)
    8. L. Sun, X. Pang*, S. Ghabezloo, H. Yan, Modeling the hydration, viscosity and ultrasonic property evolution of class G cement up to 90 °C and 200 MPa by a scale factor method, Petroleum Science, In Press, 2023. (SCI二区, IF=4.757)
    9. F. Sun, X. Pang*, S. Kawashima, G. Cheng, S. Guo, Y. Bu, Effect of tartaric acid on the hydration of oil well cement at elevated temperatures between 60 ºC and 89 ºC, Cement and Concrete Research 161: 106952, 2022. (SCI一区Top, IF=11.958)
    10. X. Pang*, L. Sun, M. Chen, M. Xian, G. Cheng, Y. Liu, J. Qin. Influence of curing temperature on the hydration and strength development of Class G Portland cement, Cement and Concrete Research 156: 106776, 2022. (SCI一区Top, IF=11.958)
    11. X. Pang*, Y. Yuan, H. Liu, X. Pang*, L. Chen, Y. Liu, Y. Shi, S. Li*, Highly dispersed and thermally stable PCE-LDH and its application as hardening accelerator for mortar, Construction and Building Materials 328: 127072, 2022. (SCI一区Top, IF=7.693)
    12. X. Pang*, L. Chen, Y. Shi, Y. Meng, X. Pang*, Y. Yuan, Y. Liu, Layered double hydroxides nanosheets for capturing chloride ions in magnesium oxychloride cement, Construction and Building Materials: 128917, 2022. (SCI一区Top, IF=7.693)
    13. L Sun, X. Pang*, H. Yan, Hydration kinetics of oil well cement in the temperature range between 5 °C and 30 °C, Frontiers in Materials 9:985332, 2022. (SCI三区, IF=3.985)
    14. J. Qin, X. Pang*, H. Li and Z. Zhang, Mechanism of long-term strength retrogression of silica-enriched Portland cement assessed by quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis,
    Frontiers in Materials 9:982192, 2022. (SCI三区, IF=3.985)
    15. H. Liu, J. Qin, B. Zhou, Z. Liu, Z. Yuan, Z. Zhang, Z. Ai, X. Pang*, and X. Liu, Effects of curing pressure on the long-term strength retrogression of oil well cement cured under 200 ºC, Energies 15, 6071, 2022. (SCI四区, IF=3.252)
    16. X. Wang, X. Pang*, M. Xian, B. Sun, Z. Wang, Y. Ren, Y. Feng, Z. Zhang, Numerical Study on Transient Annular Pressure Caused by Hydration Heat during Well Cementing, Applied Sciences 12(7): 3556, 2022. (SCI四区, IF=2.838)
    17. Y. Bu, S. Shen, Z. Liu, H. Liu*, S. Guo, X. Pang, Establishment and application of T-H-M coupling model of casing-cement ring-formation in thermal recovery wells, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2022. (SCI四区, IF=2.807)
    18. X. Pang*, J. Qin, L. Sun, G. Zhang, Long-term Strength retrogression of silica-enriched oil well cement system: a comprehensive multi-approach analysis, Cement and Concrete Research 144:106424, 2021. (SCI一区Top, IF=11.958)
    19. X. Pang*, L. Sun, F. Sun, G. Zhang, S. Guo, Y. Bu. Cement hydration kinetics study in the temperature range from 15°C to 95°C, Cement and Concrete Research 148:106552, 2021. (SCI一区Top, IF=11.958)
    20. J. Qin, X Pang*, G. Cheng, Y. Bu, H. Liu. Influences of different admixtures on the properties of oil well cement systems at 200°C, Cement and Concrete Composites 123: 104202, 2021. (SCI一区Top, IF=9.93)
    21. H. Liu*, Y. Bu, A. Zhou, J. Du*, L. Zhou, X. Pang, Silica sand enhanced cement mortar for cementing steam injection well up to 380 °C, Construction and Building Materials 308: 125142, 2021. (SCI二区Top, IF=7.693)
    22. X. Pang*, W. Cuello Jimenez, J. Singh, Measuring and modeling cement hydration kinetics at variable temperature conditions, Construction and Building Materials 262: 120788, 2020. (SCI一区Top, IF=6.141)
    23. X. Wang, H. Shen, B. Sun*, Z. Wang, Y. Gao, H. Li, X. Pang, Mechanism of Gas Migration Through Microstructure of Cemented Annulus in Deep-water Environment, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 78:103316, 2020. (SCI二区, IF=4.965)
    24. W. Cuello Jimenez*, R. Darbe, X. Pang, Enhanced Mechanical-Integrity Characterization of Oilwell Annular Sealants Under In-Situ Downhole Conditions, SPE Journal 24(5): 2308-2319, 2019. (SCI三区Top, IF=3.372)
    25. X. Pang*, J. Singh, W. Cuello Jimenez, Characterizing gas bubble size distribution of laboratory foamed cement using X-ray micro-CT, Construction and Building Materials 167: 243–252, 2018. (SCI二区Top, IF=4.046)
    26. X. Pang*, J.K. Maxson, W. Cuello Jimenez, J.P. Singh, R.G. Morgan, Micro-scale characterization of field and laboratory foamed cement using X-ray micro computed tomography, SPE Journal 22(5): 1690-1703, 2017. (SCI三区Top)
    27. X. Pang*, W. Cuello Jimenez, and V. Goel, Use of microencapsulated phase change materials to regulate the temperature of oilwell cement, SPE drilling and Completion 31(1): 63-70, 2016. (SCI四区)
    28. X. Pang*, C. Meyer, Modeling cement hydration by connecting a nucleation and growth mechanism with a diffusion mechanism Part I: C3S hydration in dilute suspensions, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials 23(3): 345-356, 2016. (SCI四区)
    29. X. Pang*, C. Meyer, Modeling cement hydration by connecting a nucleation and growth mechanism with a diffusion mechanism Part II: Portland cement paste hydration, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials 23(6): 605-615, 2016. (SCI四区)
    30. X. Pang*, P.J. Boul, W. Cuello Jimenez, Isothermal calorimetry study of the effect of chloride accelerators on the hydration kinetics of oil well cement, Construction and Building Materials 77: 260-269, 2015. (SCI二区)
    31. X. Pang*, C. Meyer, G.P. Funkhouser, R. Darbe, An innovative test apparatus for oil well cement: In-Situ measurement of chemical shrinkage and tensile strength, Construction and Building Materials 74: 93-101, 2015. (SCI二区)
    32. X. Pang*, C. Meyer, G.P. Funkhouser, R. Darbe, Depressurization damage of oilwell cement cured for 3 days at various pressures, Construction and Building Materials 74: 268-277, 2015. (SCI二区)
    33. X. Pang, C. Boontheung, P.J. Boul*, Dynamic retarder exchange as a trigger for Portland cement hydration, Cement and Concrete Research 63: 20-28, 2014 (SCI二区).
    34. X. Pang*, P.J. Boul, and W. Cuello Jimenez, Nanosilicas as accelerators in oilwell cementing at low temperatures, SPE drilling and completion 29(1): 98-105, 2014. (SCI四区)
    35. X. Pang*, W. Cuello Jimenez, B.J. Iverson, Hydration kinetics modeling of the effect of curing temperature and pressure on the heat evolution of oilwell cement, Cement and Concrete Research 54: 69-76, 2013. (SCI二区)
    36. X. Pang*, D.P. Bentz, C. Meyer, G.P. Funkhouser, R. Darbe, A comparison study of Portland cement hydration kinetics as measured by chemical shrinkage and isothermal calorimetry, Cement and Concrete Composites 39: 23-32, 2013. (SCI二区)
    37. X. Pang*, C. Meyer, R. Darbe, G.P. Funkhouser, Modeling the effect of curing temperature and pressure on cement hydration kinetics, ACI Materials Journal 110(2): 137-148, 2013. (SCI四区)
    38. X. Pang* and C. Meyer, Cement chemical shrinkage as measure of hydration kinetics and its relationship with non-evaporable water, ACI Materials Journal 109(3): 341-352, 2012. (SCI四区)
    39. X. Pang*, R. Darbe, K. Ravi, C. Meyer, Low-cycle fatigue of oilwell cements in compression, ACI Materials Journal 109(2): 185-194, 2012. (SCI四区)
    40. 孙立君, 庞学玉*, 郭胜来, 步玉环, 比例因子法模拟硅酸盐水泥水化动力学, 硅酸盐学报, 49(5), 2021.
    41. 李宁, 庞学玉*, 艾正青, 刘忠飞, 王洪路, 王银东, 200°C加砂硅酸盐水泥配方优化设计及强度衰退机理, 硅酸盐学报 48(11): 1824-1833, 2020.

    1. H. Li, X. Pang, X. Chen, J. Zhang, Physical and mechanical performance of oil well cement systems under simulated shale oil in-situ conversion condition, ARMA 22-0412, The ARMA 56th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 26-29 June 2022.
    2. L. Sun,X. Pang, Y. Bu, C. Wang, Experimental study of the effect of curing temperature and pressure on the property evolution of oilwell cement, ARMA 21-1397, The ARMA 55th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Houston, Texas, 20-23 June 2021.
    3. J. Qin, X. Pang, Z. Zhang, K.G. Fikeni, Multiscale characterization of oilwell cement cured HPHT conditions, ARMA 21–1114, The ARMA 55th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Houston, Texas, 20–23 June 2021.
    4. J. Qin, X. Pang, Z. Liu, Z. Ai, N. Li, Effect of various testing parameters on the experimental evaluation of oil well cement cured under simulated downhole conditions, International Conference on Materials in Civil Engineering (MICE 2020), Sanya, China, 23-25 October 2020.
    5. X. Pang, L. Sun, S.D.S. Araujo and Y. Bu, Effects of temperature and water-to-cement ratio on autogenous shrinkage of oil well cement, International Conference on Materials in Civil Engineering (MICE 2020), Sanya, China, 23-25 October 2020.
    6. X. Pang, G. Hundt, S. Lewis, R. Vargo, B. Tan, Storable liquid bead systems as lightweight additives for oilwell cementing, Paper OTC-28273 presented at the Offshore Technology Conference Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20-23 March 2018.
    7. W. Cuello Jimenez, X. Pang, J.A. Urdaneta, E. Sørensen, G. Lende, and S. Nimane, Thermo-Mechanical properties of annular sealants – a path to optimized wellbore integrity and economics, Paper SPE 187654 to be presented at SPE Kuwait Oil & Gas Show and Conference, Kuwait City, Kuwait, 15-18 October 2017.
    8. W. Cuello Jimenez, X. Pang, M. Benge, R. Darbe, D.L. Meadows, Enhanced mechanical integrity characterization of oilwell annular sealants under in-situ downhole conditions: a path to optimized wellbore economics, Paper SPE 185341 presented at the SPE Oil and Gas India Conference and Exhibition, 4–6 April, Mumbai, India, 2017.
    9. X. Pang, J.K. Maxson, W. Cuello Jimenez, J.P. Singh, R.G. Morgan, Mutiscale characterization of foamed cement using X-ray micro computed tomography, Paper SPE 180278 presented at the SPE Deepwater Drilling and Completions Conference, 14-15 September, Galveston, Texas, USA, 2016.
    10. X. Pang, J.P. Singh, W. Cuello Jimenez, AC Prince, Influencing factors of the microstructure and macroscopic performance of foamed cement, Paper SPE 181364 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 26-28 September, Dubai, UAE, 2016.
    11. W. Cuello Jimenez, J.A. Urdaneta, X. Pang, J.R. Garzon, G. Nucci, H. Arias, Innovation of Annular Sealants During the Past Decades and Their Direct Relationship with On/Offshore Wellbore Economics, Paper SPE-180041 presented at the SPE Bergen One Day Seminar, 20 April, Grieghallen, Bergen, Norway, 2016.
    12. X. Pang, The effect of water-to-cement ratio on the hydration kinetics of Portland cement at different temperatures, proceedings of the 14th International congress on Cement Chemistry, Beijing, October 13-16, 2015.
    13. P.J. Boul, A. Ye, X. Pang, V. Goel, L. Eoff, and B.R. Reddy, Nanosilica-based conformance gels, paper SPE-174265 to be presented at the SPE European Formation Damage Conference, Budapest, Hungary, June 3-5, 2015.
    14. P.J. Boul, X. Pang, C. Boontheung, Retarder exchange for the activation of a strongly retarded Portland cement slurry, 2nd Global Well Cem Conference, The woodlands, Houston, Texas, January 22-23, 2015.
    15. X. Pang, V. Goel and W. Cuello Jimenez, Use of microencapsulated phase change materials to regulate the temperature of oilwell cement, Paper SPE 171769 presented at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, Abu Dhabi, November 10-13, 2014.
    16. X. Pang, A generalized scale factor model for Portland cement hydration, proceeding of the 4th RILEM International Symposium on Concrete Modelling, Beijing, October 12-14, 2014.
    17. X. Pang, P. Otieno, and G.P. Funkhouser, Modeling the effect of curing pressure on the viscosity evolution of oilwell cement, Paper AADE-14-FTCE-06 presented at the 2014 AADE Fluid Technical Conference & Exhibition, Houston, Texas, April 15-16, 2014.
    18. X. Pang, P.J. Boul, and W. Cuello Jimenez, Nanosilicas as accelerators in oilwell cementing at low temperatures, Paper SPE 168037 presented at the 2014 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibition, Fort Worth, Texas, March 4-6, 2014.
    19. W. Cuello Jimenez, X. Pang, and T. Gilstrap, Engineered oilwell-cement-based systems for optimum validation of cased-hole ultrasonic tools, Paper SPE 168038 presented at the 2014 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibition, Fort Worth, Texas, March 4-6, 2014.
    20. A. Santra, P.J. Boul, and X. Pang, Influence of nanomaterials in oilwell cement hydration and mechanical properties, Paper SPE 156937 presented at the SPE International Oilfield Nanotechnology Conference, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, June 12-14, 2012.
    21. X. Pang, D.P. Bentz, C. Meyer, Modeling cement hydration kinetics using the equivalent age concept, 3rd International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete, Kassel, Germany, March 7-9, 2012.
    22. C. Meyer, X. Pang, In-Situ testing and modeling of the properties of oilwell cements at early ages (Keynote presentation), the 2011 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Seoul, September 18-23, 2011.
    23. X. Pang, C. Liu, R. Suri, Recycling spent mushroom substrate as fine aggregate in concrete, Transportation Research Board (TRB) 86th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 21–25, 2007.
    24. C. Liu, M. Marchisello, X. Pang, Rominder Suri, Optimize the lime content to treat recycled mushroom substrates in concrete, Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal, Canada, June 14-16, 2006.

  • 专利
    1. J.P. Singh, X. Pang, K.B. Yerubandi, R.G. Morgan, T.J. Pisklak, Selecting supplemental cementitious materials for specific performance characteristic, WO2020204952, 10/08/2020. (Granted on January 3, 2023, Patent No. US11542207)
    2. J.P. Singh, X. Pang, K.B. Yerubandi, T.J. Pisklak, R.G. Morgan, S.R.K. Jandhyala, Cement composition and its relation with compressive strength, WO2020204952, 10/08/2020. (Granted on January 10, 2023, Patent No. US11548831)
    3. X. Pang, G. Hundt, S. Lewis, T.S. Sodhi, J.P. Singh, B. Tan, Storable Liquid Suspension of Hollow Particles, WO2018089004, 05/17/2018. (Granted on October 11, 2022, Patent No. US11466202)
    4. W. Cuello Jimenez, X. Pang, J.P. Singh, Control Heat of Hydration by Characterizing Cementitious Components, WO2018156122, 08/30/2018. (Granted on January 18, 2022, Patent No. US11225595)
    5. X. Pang, W. Cuello Jimenez, J.P. Singh, T.S. Sodhi, A.C. Prince, J.K. Maxson, R.G. Morgan, System and method of producing foamed cement in a laboratory environment, WO2018063285, 04/05/2018. (Granted on December 7, 2021, Patent No. US11192072)
    6. W. Cuello Jimenez, J.P. Singh, X. Pang, M.A. Jaramillo, K.M. Ravi, T.J. Pisklak, Swellable Technology for Downhole Fluids Detection, WO2017052629, 03/30/2017. (Granted on August 25, 2020, Patent No. US10753176)
    7. A. Prince, K.M. Ravi, J.P. Singh, M.A. Jaramillo, W. Cuello Jimenez, A. Chang, T.S. Sodhi, X. Pang, T.J. Pisklak, pH-sensitive chemicals for downhole fluid sensing and communication with the surface, Application No.:US2016/081602, April 5, 2016. (Granted on March 24, 2020, Patent No. US10598005)
    8. V.S. Goel, P.A. Otieno, X. Pang, T.S. Sodhi, Analyzing mixability of well cement slurries, Application No.: PCT/US2014/053245, August 28, 2014. (Granted on October 22, 2019, Patent No. US10450830)
    9. V.S. Goel, P.J. Boul, X. Pang, L. Hall, J. Deville, S. Lewis, B.R. Reddy, T. Joseph, X. Ye, Downhole fluids and methods of use thereof, Application No.: PCT/US15/25282, April 10, 2015. (Granted on October 1, 2019, Patent No. US10428259)
    10. W. Cuello Jimenez, X. Pang, P. Jones, R.E. Epstein, Z.E. Gordon, B. Mandal, T. Gilstrap, Validation of cased-hole acoustic tools, Application No.: PCT/US2013/069719, November 12, 2013. (Granted on March 26, 2019, Patent No. US10241086)
    11. P.J. Boul, X. Pang, C. Boontheung, Activation of set-delayed cement compositions by retarder exchange, Application No.: PCT/US2013/06702, October 31, 2013. (Granted on June 05, 2018, Patent No. US9988306)
    12. 庞学玉, 程国东, 秦建鲲, 孙立君. 耐高温固井水泥体系及其制备方法. 国家发明专利ZL202110815046.9, 2022.
    13. 秦建鲲,庞学玉,李海龙,程国东,长期耐高温、增韧固井加砂水泥组合体材料及制备方法,国家发明专利ZL202210203763.0, 2022.
  • 学术交流
    1. X. Pang, J. Qin, F. Sun, T. Zhang, Influences of nanomaterial addition on the physical and mechanical properties of oil well cement at 15°C and 200°C (invited presentation), The 2021 International Conference on Electronic Materials (2021 IUMRS-ICEM) and the XIX Brazilian Materials Research Society Meeting (XIX B-MRS), Virtual Conference, August 31-September 3, 2021.
    2. 庞学玉,固井工程中的力学问题(邀请报告),第17届现代数学和力学学术会议(MMM–XVII)暨石油工程力学高级研讨会,2020年10月10日至11日,中国青岛.
    3. X. Pang, J.K. Maxson, W. Cuello Jimenez, J.P. Singh, R.G. Morgan, Mutiscale characterization of foamed cement using X-ray micro computed tomography, Paper SPE 180278 presented at the SPE Deepwater Drilling and Completions Conference, 14-15 September, Galveston, Texas, USA, 2016.
    4. X. Pang, The effect of water-to-cement ratio on the hydration kinetics of Portland cement at different temperatures, proceedings of the 14th International congress on Cement Chemistry, Beijing, October 13-16, 2015.
    5. X. Pang, Oil well cement design for high temperature applications (invited presentation), SPE Thermal Well Design & Integrity Workshop, Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 18-20, 2014.
    6. X. Pang, A generalized scale factor model for Portland cement hydration, proceeding of the 4th RILEM International Symposium on Concrete Modelling, Beijing, October 12-14, 2014.
    7. X. Pang, P.J. Boul, and W. Cuello Jimenez, Nanosilicas as accelerators in oilwell cementing at low temperatures, Paper SPE 168037 presented at the 2014 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibition, Fort Worth, Texas, March 4-6, 2014.
    8. X. Pang, P. Otieno, and G.P. Funkhouser, Modeling the effect of curing pressure on the viscosity evolution of oilwell cement, Paper AADE-14-FTCE-06 presented at the 2014 AADE Fluid Technical Conference & Exhibition, Houston, Texas, April 15-16, 2014.
    9. X. Pang, C. Meyer, A new explanation of cement hydration kinetics (invited presentation), ACI Convention Spring 2012 - the Art of Concrete, Dallas, TX, March 18-22, 2012.
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