徐建春 副教授
作者: 发布者:赵小明 发布时间:2021-10-27 访问次数:11657
»姓名:徐建春 »职称:副教授

»单位:智能油气田研究所 »最高学历/学位:博士
»学科:海洋油气工程学科,石油与天然气工程领域 »所学专业:油气田开发工程
2015.8-2016.10,The University of Tulsa,TUPREP研究组,访问学者;


2.《Polymer Sciences》杂志编委、《Journal Petroleum Science and Engineering》、《Fuel》、《Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering》、《Energy & Fuel》、《Geofluids》、《SPE Journal》、《Journal of Energy Resources Technology》、《Journal of Energy Resources Technology》《Energy Science & Engineering》等期刊审稿人;
4.Editor of special issues for some journals like Energy Exploration & Exploitation、Geofluids、Applied Sciences.


2021:高铭 付琪润 孙伟 潘广轩
2020:周文新 郭万航 卜梓伟 范兴文








○Semi-analytical Modelling of Water Injector Test with Fractured Channel in Tight Oil Reservoir[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020, 53(2): 861-879.(4/7)
○A Novel Method to Characterise Time-Variation of Reservoir Properties: Experimental Study, Simulator Development and its Application in Bohai Bay Oilfield[C]//SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2019.(4/7)
○Calculation model of unsteady temperature–pressure fields in wellbores and fractures of supercritical CO2 fracturing[J]. Fuel, 2019, 253: 1168-1183.(4/5)
○Coupled thermal model for geothermal exploitation via recycling of supercritical CO2 in a fracture–wells system[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019: 113890.(4/6)
○Characterizing the Rheology of Methane Hydrate Slurry in a Horizontal Water-Continuous System[J]. SPE Journal, 2019.(4/7)
○The numerical simulation of thermal recovery considering rock deformation in shale gas reservoir.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019, 138: 719-728.(4/6)
○A Novel Method to Characterise Time-variation of Reservoir Properties: Experiment Study, Simulator Development and its Application in Bohai Bay Oilfield[C]//SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2019.(3/5)
○Stochastic Simplex Approximate Gradient for Robust Life-cycle Production Optimization: Applied to Brugge Field[J]. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2019, 141(9), 092905 .(2/2)
○Flow behavior of hydraulic fractured tight formations considering Pre-Darcy flow using EDFM[J]. Fuel, 2019, 241: 1145-1163.(1/4)
○A hybrid embedded discrete fracture model for simulating tight porous media with complex fracture systems[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 174: 131-143.(1/3)
○Production performance analysis for horizontal wells in gas condensate reservoir using three-region model[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2019, 61: 226-236.(4/8)
○Characterization of the reservoir property time-variation based on ‘surface flux’and simulator development[J]. Fuel, 2018, 234: 924-933.(9/11)
○History matching of hydraulically fractured tight oil reservoirs considering SRV using improved ES-MDA method[C]//AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2018.(1/2)
○Numerical Simulation of Well Production Performance Considering Pre-Darcy Flow Using EDFM[C]//SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2018.(1/5)
○Hybrid Coupled Discrete-Fracture And Continuum Models For Low Permeability Reservoir Simulation[C]//ECMOR XVI-16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. 2018.(1/4)
○Calculation of proppant-carrying flow in supercritical carbon dioxide fracturing fluid[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 166: 420-432.(5/5)
○Case studies: pressure-transient analysis for water injector with the influence of waterflood-induced fractures in tight reservoir[C]//SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2018.(4/8)
○Study on Relative Permeability Characteristics Affected by Displacement Pressure Gradient: Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation. Fuel. Vol. 163, 314-323
○Production Performance Analysis of Tight Oil/Gas Reservoirs considering Stimulated Reservoir Volume using Elliptical Flow. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. Vol. 26, 827-839
○Production Performance Analysis for Composite Shale Gas Reservoir considering Multiple Transport Mechanisms. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. Vol. 26, 382-395
○Non-linear Flow Characteristics and Horizontal Well Pressure Transient Analysis for Low-permeability Offshore Reservoirs, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2015, Article ID 387149
○Impact of parameters’ time variation on waterflooding reservoir performance, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 126, 181-189
○Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing Tight Sandstone Reservoirs. Fuel. Vol. 159, 334-344
○Rate Transient Analysis for Multistage Fractured Horizontal Well in Tight Oil Reservoir considering Stimulated Reservoir Volume, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2014, Article ID 489015
○Production performance analysis for horizontal wells in composite coal bed methane reservoir. Energy Exploration & Exploitation. 2017, 35(2): 194-217
○Study on gas flow through nano pores of shale gas reservoirs, Fuel, Vol. 143, 107-117
○A quadruple-porosity model for shale gas reservoirs with multiple migration mechanisms[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 33: 918-933
○Employing a quad-porosity numerical model to analyze the productivity of shale gas reservoir[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 157: 1046-1055.
○Semi-analytical modeling for water injection well in tight reservoir considering the variation of waterflood-Induced fracture properties–Case studies in Changqing Oilfield, China[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 159: 740-753
○Pressure Transient Analysis for Composite Tight Oil Reservoirs after Fracturing, SPE-175869.
○Production Performance Analysis of Shale Gas Reservoirs Considering Stimulated Reservoir Volume Using Elliptical Flow. 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XV)
○A New Numerical Simulation Method for Horizontal Well in Tight Sandstone Reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science Research. Vol. 4, NO.2: 39-46
○Transient Pressure Behavior for Dual Porosity Low Permeability Reservoir Based on Modified Darcy's Equation, SPE-153480
○Non-Darcy flow numerical simulation for low-permeability reservoirs, SPE-154890
○Modeling transient flow behavior of a horizontal well in composite coal bed methane reservoir. China Shale Gas 2015
○A Triple-Continuum Model for the Numerical Simulation of Shale Gas Reservoir. China Shale Gas 2015
○Production forecast of fractured shale gas reservoir considering multi-scale gas flow[J]. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 2017,7(4),1071-1083
○Pressure transient and rate decline analysis for hydraulic fractured vertical wells with finite conductivity in shale gas reservoirs[J]. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 2015, 5(4): 435-443.
○Dynamic Permeability Model of Coal Seam and Analysis of Various Influence Factors. SPE-169956
○A Perturbation Boundary Element Model to Simulate Nonplanar Fracture Networks in Shale Gas Reservoirs. 5th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XV)
○Long Cracks Fractured Vertical Well Numerical Simulation and Application for Tight Oil Reservoir. Procedia Engineering. 126 (2015): 486-490
○致密油多级压裂水平井数值模拟及应用. 第十三届全国渗流力学大会
○储层物性时变对油藏水驱开发的影响[J]. 断块油气田,2016,23(06):768-771
○复合页岩气藏压裂水平井压力动态分析[J]. 天然气地球科学,2015,26(12):2336-2342
○压裂改造复合页岩气藏不稳定压力与产量分析方法[J]. 天然气工业,2015,35(09):42-47
○致密油藏多级压裂水平井数值模拟及应用[J]. 西南石油大学学报(自然科学版),2015,37(03):45-52
○遗传算法在苏里格气田井位优化中的应用[J]. 天然气地球科学,2014,25(10):1603-1609
○基于高速非达西渗流新模型的试井分析[J]. 西南石油大学学报(自然科学版),2013,35(01):99-105
○低渗透油藏压裂井生产动态分析[J]. 特种油气藏,2013,20(01):52-55
○基于低速非线性渗流新模型的垂直压裂井产能计算[J]. 油气地质与采收率,2013,20(01):92-95
○低渗透油藏非线性渗流新模型及试井分析[J]. 石油学报,2012,33(02):264-268
○变导流能力多级压裂水平井生产动态研究[J]. 科学技术与工程,2012,12(20):4888-4891
○低速非达西渗流油藏产能分析[J]. 天然气与石油,2012,30(06):34-37
○考虑储层渗透率时变的深部封堵数值模拟技术[J]. 科学技术与工程,2012,12(07):1618-1620
○当前页岩气资源开发的瓶颈及建议[J]. 复杂油气藏,2012,5(02):10-14
○国外致密气藏钻完井技术现状与启示[J]. 特种油气藏,2012,19(02):6-11
○超低渗油藏热水驱提高采收率研究[J]. 科学技术与工程,2012,12(15):3602-3605


○2021 AGU Fall Meeting,New Orleans,2021
--分会场组织:Advances in Computational Methods for Geologic CO2 Sequestration
○Interpore 2021,Qingdao, China,2021
--分会场组织:(MS15) Machine Learning Advances in Porous Media
○SCON International Conference on Oil, Gas and Natural Resources,Organizing Committee Member,2020
○Interpore 2020,Qingdao, China,2020
--分会场组织:(MS15) Machine Learning Advances in Porous Media
○International Conference on Oil, Gas and Petrochemistry,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,Organizing Committee Member,2020
○18th International Conference on Emerging Materials and Nanotechnology,Technical Committee,2020
○2019 AGU Fall Meeting,San Francisco,2019
--分会场组织:(H045) Domain-Aware Machine Learning for Subsurface Applications
○Interpore 2019,Valencia, Spain,2019
--分会场组织:(MS15) Machine Learning Advances in Porous Media
○2019 International Conference on Oil, Gas and Coal Technology (ICOGCT 2019),Technical Committee,2019
○2018 AGU Fall Meeting,Washington, D.C. ,2018
--分会场组织:(H23M) Recent Advances in Data Assimilation and Optimization for Subsurface Flow
○SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2018,Brisbane,Australia,2018
○ECMOR XVI: 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery 2018,Barcelona,Spain,2018
○World Congress on Oil, Gas and Petroleum Refinery,Organizing Committee,AbuDhabi,2018
○15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XV),Amsterdam,Netherlands,2016
○SPE North Africa Technical Conference and Exhibition,Cairo, Egypt,2015
○China Shale Gas,武汉,2015
○The 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012, Copenhagen,Denmark, 2012
○SPE Latin America and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference,Mexico City,Mexico,2012

--to know yourself,to know the world,to know the universe!
